

《Dog Face》,美国电影《流浪狗之歌》的主题曲 演唱者是美国民谣歌手Pete Seeger(皮特·西格尔)和The Almanac Singers的组合 该歌曲的原唱是Pete Seeger的独唱版本于1940年录制 The song was written by the folk singer Woody Guthrie, (the original "Dust Bowl balladeer", and frequent collaborator of Pete Seeger).

Guthrie had heard about a dog named Daisy who'd been found in Dust Bowl Texas with its face coated deeply with black dust from the soil, which made it appear as if she were wearing a mask; he wrote this ballad to describe what happened to many of the migrant workers during that time period, before they went on their way towards California for jobs picking fruit.

It is now considered one of the major songs of the American folk revival movement; it has also become an anti-war protest song due to its lyrics referring to migration patterns away from war zones. There are two versions of the song’s recording history: according to Peter Yarrow, Arlo Guthrie said to him when first introduced “Arlo says 'I think you know I'm Woody Guthrie’s son'”, adding “He told me once or twice about how, years ago – late thirties—he recorded Dog Face Daisy somewhere up near Bismarck”.

Another version tells that Guthrie himself came across his own recordings while going through old boxes of records in Oklahoma City, only to see them being played back over and over again for all to hear at the radio station WFAA, where it eventually got released as singles. According to John Siegler, no record exists proving either claim, so there will never be definitive confirmation. In any case, both claims are not contradicted either way: thus, we have here yet another instance where different people independently claimed having stumbled upon unreleased material after decades apart.


“黑脸”其实是一种比较专业的术语,主要是指被拍摄者面部被部分或全部遮挡住的情况 通常的“黑脸”都是由于光线不足、逆光等原因导致的 如果在户外拍片的话 在晴天可以找一块干净的反光板放置在相机与被摄对象之间进行补光或者利用闪光灯进行补光,这样可以有效的解决“黑脸”的问题

但是如果在室内拍片则可以使用三脚架进行长时间的定时曝光这样也是可以有效解决的 最后说一下关于狗的摄影问题——我曾经在知乎写过一篇名为《如何给宠物拍照》的文章其中详细的介绍了怎么给宠物们拍照以及需要注意的细节 这里贴出链接供题主参考 我只是希望每一个想要了解狗摄影的人都能够认真的看完这篇小文章
